Yes, there are always ships hiring and the reasons are simple. Every company has new ships each year, even in this economy. Each ship requires more than 2000 crew. This accounts for a complete crew rotation to cover vacations etc.
To get a job you need to be very clear and precise about the position for which you are searching. IE Diver, Security, Social Host, Casino Dealer, Youth Counsellor, DJ, Musician, 3RD Engineer etc.
Note: Every crew member must have the STCW 95 Safety Certification to get a job - no matter what your position - it is Mandatory! So, Google it and find where in your city you can obtain this certification. It may be called something different in different countries. In Canada for example, I believe it is called Basic Safety. Call Marine Schools in your area and they will either offer it or direct you accordingly. Some ships offer this onboard so when it is about to expire, you can renew it without leaving the ship. They are good though for 5 years. But, this is your first step if you are serious about a ship job. You tell a cruise line you have your STCW 95, and it gives you a BIG advantage. The cost will vary tremedously. I had my last one done in Fort Lauderdale at the Maritme School for about $275. USD.
Most Hotel positions such as Room Servants, Kitchen Positions, Cleaning Staff and Bar Staff are hired from mainly Eastern Europe, Philippines, Thailand, Latin America and India. This has to do with salaries of course.
The information we provide is to help YOU search out your own position with no hassle. But, YOU must do the work if you want the job. Remember, cruising is not for everyone. You will work 7 days a week for 6 months - probably between 6-12 hours per day depending which department you are in. For example in the restaurant, you can expect to work breakfast, lunch, dinner AND, the late night buffet. You will make decent cash but your time off the ship in port, will be very limited.
You can expect to share a cabin with at least 1 other person - bunk bed style. Some cabins have 4 bunks. Most cabins are equipped with a private bath/shower - no tub, TV, Fridge. Some newer ships have in-cabin Internet access. Cabin size is about 10 ft x 6 ft - very small. This will be the most interesting cultural experience in your life!!! Trust me. Snoring, farting, smelly feet, masturbation, room mates who don't shower, dirty clothes all over the place, loud music, loud late TV when you need to be up in 2 hours - kind of like college. Weekly cabin inspections keep them somewhat tidy though. If you are an Officer or a Department Head, Shop Manager etc, in most cases, you will receive your own private cabin.
I will at some point provide direct mailing and email contacts to make your life easier - but these contacts must be used in a professional manner. Be well prepared and you will receive a favourable reply!