Saturday, January 2, 2010

Europe River Cruise Jobs and World River Cruise Jobs

Remember to share this blog with your friends and always read the older posts for lots of cruise job information and current contacts.

The are other options to the major mega-cruise ship jobs out there. One alternative I have been looking into is river cruise jobs.

The season typically begins in March/April so most companies will start staffing Jan / Feb.

The coolest new river boats are called "Spaceships". They are new design river boats offerd by Scenic Tours.
Lucas Sandmeier
Managing Director
Scenic Tours Europe AG
Vanessa Kelly
Operations, Tour/Cruise Directors

Another highly regarded river cruise line is called Viking River Cruises.
Bruno Hauser

Director, Human Resource
Viking River Cruises AG
Schäferweg 18
4057 Basel
Phone: +41 61 638 60 76
Mobile: +41 79 777 55 14
Fax: +41 61 638 60 80

If you speak 2-3 European languages, these river cruise gigs are great.
Check their respective website for informationon seasons, itineraries etc.

The rivers cruises navigate the worlds most beautiful rivers.